Magical Childhood Moments video course

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Magical Childhood Moments video course

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In this 11-hour video course, Iwona will show you her exact process of how to capture 11 magical childhood moments.

They range from indoors and outdoors, using natural and artificial light.

This includes styling and composition… planning and props… camera settings and post-processing…


The only limit is your imagination. And with Iwona’s best ideas to choose from… you’ll never be short of inspiration.


With “Magical Childhood Moments”, you’ll soon discover:

  • Dozens of creative ideas that you can copy today to capture adorable photos of your children
  • Timeless scenes that you can recreate at home or in your local area
  • Simple ways to use natural and prop lights for well-lit and magical portraits
  • Easy ways to prepare your scene without stressing the patience of your children
  • Step-by-step guide for editing your photos to perfection

The video lessons average 15 minutes in length, accompanied by our “Scrapbook Notes” cheat sheets to walk you through every step. (More on those below.)

You get to see behind the scenes how Iwona prepares for the shoot, poses her tiny models, and then edits the images.

With Iwona’s blueprint for timeless child photos, you have everything you need to create adorable memories.



Moje zdjęcia

Zapraszam Cię w podróż do mojego magicznego świata. Świata dziecięcej wyobraźni, gdzie sen miesza się z jawą i wszystko jest możliwe. Zobacz moje zdjęcia, zapoznaj się z tutorialami wideo lub weź udział w organizowanych warsztatach.

Magical Children photography by Iwona Podlasińska | Warsztaty dla fotografów dziecięcych
Magical Children photography by Iwona Podlasińska | Warsztaty dla fotografów dziecięcych
Magical Children photography by Iwona Podlasińska | Warsztaty dla fotografów dziecięcych
Magical Children photography by Iwona Podlasińska | Warsztaty dla fotografów dziecięcych
Magical Children photography by Iwona Podlasińska | Warsztaty dla fotografów dziecięcych